Jehosheba – Courageous for an Appointed Time – Gayle Hoefker – February 26, 2025
We will look at the story of an incredibly courageous woman who ws used by God to keep his promis to David alive and fulfilled.
We will look at the story of an incredibly courageous woman who ws used by God to keep his promis to David alive and fulfilled.
Lois and Eunice are mentioned by name in only one short scripture in the Bible. This short mention of them tells a story from which we can gain much knowledge about them. They were faithful believers and they passed that faith and belief on to their child.
As faithful followers of God, we will be given the opportunity to be leaders in making the earth great again during the 1000-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth.
By looking at the story of the Woman Caught in Adultery, we’ll see that even though the Scribes and Pharisees wanted to use the law to trip Jesus up, this story is not showing a tolerance for sin but one of respect for the law.
We will look at the scriptures involving the unfaithful woman or the jealous husband, and learn the meaning and significance behind this highly unusual ritual.
This short vignette portrayed here in Acts has three major players. Paul, the apostle, a free born Roman Citizen of Tarsus, Marcus Antonius Felix the Procurator of Judea, and his wife Drusilla. Let’s examine who these three people are and what we can learn from them to help us in our personal walk with God.
Through the story of Potiphar’s wife and Joseph, we are going to learn about temptation in all its various forms, and how we should respond to it and overcome it.
Xerxes says that he will give Esther anything “up to half his kingdom,” so why has she delayed in making her request to Xerxes? Would Esther maintain her courage to follow through on her plan?
As Esther spends more time in the royal palace, God continues to work in her life. As with most people, we don’t usually see God working in our life at first, but as time passes, it becomes more apparent. Let’s look at Esther’s maturing life and see how God is working with her and how she responds.
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
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