Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Statement of Beliefs

Statement of Beliefs

Church of God Ministries (CGM)

(Revised 02-01-2019)
  1. We believe in God the Father, eternally existing, who is a Spirit Being of supreme intelligence, knowledge, love, justice, power, majesty and authority. He, through His Word, is the Creator of all things in heaven and on earth. He is a loving, kind, merciful Being who wants to share His spiritual existence and vast creation with human beings who will be born again by the resurrection from death into the family of God.

  2. We believe in one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in Him; and the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him. We believe that salvation comes through the sacrifice and life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was the Word made flesh, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; who lived a sinless life and demonstrated His love by suffering and dying for the sins of the world. We believe the Father resurrected Jesus after He lay dead in the tomb three days and three nights and that He thereafter ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of God the Father to be our King, Apostle and High Priest.

  3. We believe that the Holy Sprit is the power of God given through Jesus Christ. We believe that when a person is called, is led to repentance by God, places his faith in God, repents of sin, is baptized (immersed) and has hands laid on him, he receives the Holy Spirit as an earnest of eternal life. A person in whom God’s Spirit dwells can look forward to either his change or resurrection at Christ’s second coming.

  4. We believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth to rule all nations as King of kings and to establish the everlasting, spiritual Kingdom of God. We believe that the ultimate purpose of men and women, accomplished at their resurrection to immortal life, is to reign forever with Christ as sons and daughters of God (spirit beings) in the Kingdom (or family) of God.

  5. We believe that the Church of God is a spiritual organism — the ekklesía — composed of those people, Christians or saints of God, called by the Father and led by, and in whom dwells, the Spirit of God.

  6. We believe in God’s eternal law, which is spiritual, holy, just and good, as embodied in: the law of love as revealed by Jesus, the Ten Commandments, and all Scripture (Old and New Testaments). We believe the law includes the command to remember the seventh-day Sabbath and is being written in the hearts of God’s spirit-begotten children.

  7. We believe that God created spirit beings — angels — whom He uses as His agents and messengers. We believe that Satan and the demons (fallen angels) are adversaries of God and of the children of God.

  8. We believe that the use of tithes and offerings to further the cause of true religion is an act of worship and therefore a private matter between a Christian and God.

  9. We believe that Jesus and the apostles set us an example, as recorded in the Bible, that includes, among many other practices, obedience to God’s law, the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath and the feasts of the Lord (including footwashing and the partaking of symbols of the New Covenant in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice), the practice of “pure and undefiled religion before God” and the avoidance of unclean meats.