God uses common people to accomplish His purpose. Everybody who has ever lived has faced defining moments. What will be yours? What will God accomplish through you?
Psalms 136 brings the mercy of God into the limelight. It shows us that God’s mercy is at the center of everything He does.
An introductory message in which we introduce the concept of a covenant, discuss some of the most important covenants ever made between God and Abraham in preparation for follow-on messages which will delve more deeply into how these apply to New Testament Christians.
We humans naturally fear death. Both Jesus and Paul calmly looked upon death as a natural part of life, as a transition; and after this life, a time that death would be “put to death.” (Hosea 13:14, I Corinthians 15:54-55) The Great White Throne Judgment depicts a time when billions, resurrected with new bodies without disease, without the hindrance of Satan the Devil, will be filled with hope and the opportunity to yield to God’s purpose for their lives.
Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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