Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

Warm hellos once again friends, brethren, co-workers, spiritual family, and scattered children of God from here on the Gulf Coast. My wife and I pray and hope this finds you doing well, and that again your week has been blessed.

Last Friday evening we examined again the subject of “the Kingdom of God” and in particular within the Book of Psalms.

I had mentioned that we presented Kingdom of God Bible Seminars in the Carolinas a few years ago where I pastored at that time. Those memories reminded me that it’s vital that we as the elect of God consistently keep our focus on the Kingdom of God and preparing to have our part in it. In 2013 on a Sabbath, I finished a 5th segment in a series of these Bible Seminars, with one in Columbia, South Carolina. I remember we ended up having a few new attendees show up for these seminars. (6 in Charlotte, NC; 3 in Hickory, NC; and 3 in Columbia, SC.) Some good memories indeed. I have to wonder how many of those who came returned, or are still attending. I guess I’ll have to wait to find out some day.

I’m also reminded of what the apostle Peter wrote, “Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder)” (2 Peter 3:1) He goes on to mention that he will refer to the words of the prophets and the apostles, including his own. In the first chapter Peter states, “For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you” (2 Peter 1:12) Peter precedes this comment with a list of spiritual qualities and the encouragement to do these things so as to “be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure.” (2 Peter 1:10)

Focusing on these qualities may not seem as exciting as speculative prophecy or the revealing of secret sensational archeological discoveries relating to historical details. But, to enter the Kingdom of God we must be diligent to build our spiritual lives with solid scriptural building blocks. We all should continually ask, “What is our foundation?” What is our focus? Both are important.

It is no wonder the Kingdom of God was the focus of the message that Jesus and the apostles announced!

Paul reminded his disciple and ordained elder Timothy to preach about and emphasize basic principles of endurance and faithfulness, and avoid becoming entangled with overly seizing on a debatable word or words, or a specific verse and thereby causing unnecessary strife (2 Timothy 2:1-14).

Paul goes on to charge Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) We need to know and review how to properly interrelate the Scriptures, the only solid basis of truth. We need to place the primary emphasis on the basics and fundamentals and then build on them carefully.

These things keep us reminded that we are to enter the Kingdom of God, and stay focused on God.

The Lord’s brother Jude refers to those who abandoned right conduct, knowledge, and became sources of corruption and deception. He exhorts the called out and sanctified “to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3) He then goes on to state, “But I want to remind you, though you once knew this” (Jude 1:5) This seems to imply that those to whom Jude is writing had forgotten some warnings he had previously given to them based on recorded Biblical history. So he’s reminding them again of those basic lessons to be learned from reviewing the past history recorded in the Scriptures.

There’s an area where some have become confused. God instructs you and me to celebrate the cycle of His festivals and Holy Days every year!  So we talk about these days, and we are reminded of God’s plan of salvation by keeping them every year. In just 14 weeks, we will be gathering to celebrate His Feast of Trumpets as we enter the fall Feasts. It will be here before we know it as they say.

I reflect on the fact that many who have celebrated these festivals in the past have abandoned them. It happens. We must continually review the meaning of these festivals and immerse ourselves in what they picture. We must own the important steps pictured in these festivals that outline the conversion process as we prepare for serving with Christ in His Kingdom. We need to always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. This all requires study, review, and implementing the truth. It also requires us always being reminded that we must be about seeking the Kingdom of God. (Matt. 6:33) I can only speak for myself, but this world has become incredibly distracting! We can lose our focus, and forget the reminder we read about from Peter and Paul.

Anyway, just some more things to contemplate during these days between Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets, and as we look forward to God’s Kingdom being set up on His earth. And may I remind us all, it is coming!

Arms up friends! Our sincere prayers and thoughts are with you daily. Thanks in advance for your heartfelt prayers for us.

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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)