Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

I love stories. Those of you who know me, quickly realize I use stories to bring to life this Christian walk you and I are in.  Our ancient forefathers often used this method to help their children and family remember God’s way and follow Him.

I remember as a child this familiar children’s story.  There was a little red hen who scratched around the barnyard until she uncovered some small grains of wheat.  She began to discuss her find with her friends and neighbors.

  • If we plant this wheat, we will have bread to eat.  Who will help me in planting?  “Not I “said the cow.  “Not I” said the duck.  “Not I” said the pig.  “Not I” said the goose”.  “Then I will” said the little hen.  And so, she planted it.

As the story goes, the wheat grew and ripened into a golden beautiful grain.  “Who will help me reap my wheat?” asked the little red hen.  “Not I” said the cow.  “Out of my area of expertise” said the duck.  “Not my responsibility” said the pig.  “I would lose my unemployment compensation” said the goose”.  “Then I will” said the little hen.  And so she gathered the wheat.

Then it came time to bake the bread, provided from the wheat.  “Who will help me in baking the bread?” asked the little red hen.

“That would be extra overtime for me” stated the cow.  “I’d possibly lose my welfare benefits” said the duck.  “I never finished high school, and never learned how” said the pig.  “If I am to be the only helper to you, then that is discrimination!” exclaimed the goose.   –  “Then I will” said the little red hen.

So she baked a few loaves and held them high and out front for all her friends to see!  They all then wanted some of the delicious looking bread! Yummm!  In fact, they all demanded their share!  But, the little hen said, “No, I will eat all these loaves myself.”

“Excess profit!” cried the cow.  “Capitalist!” screamed the duck.  “I demand equal rights!” hollered the goose.  And the pig, just grunted, and oinked somewhat calmly.

They then wrote unfair on picket signs, and marched around the little red hen shouting obscenities.  When the agent from the government came he calmly stated to the little red hen, “My dear, you must not be greedy.”  “But, I earned the bread,” offered the little red hen.

“I see,” said the agent.  “That is indeed the free enterprise system.  Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much as he or she wants.  But under the government system, regulations state that the productive workers must divide the product with the idle”.

And, so they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen, who just smiled and clucked, “I am indeed thankful and so grateful.”

But, her friends wondered in awe, why she never again baked bread until she died.

Here is where I am going with this my friends:  The little red hen stopped baking bread, because she felt she had been unfairly treated.

Is unfair treatment real or imagined, a valid reason for stopping “spiritual production” in our lives?

All of us should desire to have an environment for growth in the congregations we serve and attend and the church of God as a whole.  The Ekklesia of God grows as God calls, but we have our part.

What motivates people?  As a pastor I ask myself this question all the time.  Some motivating factors are achievement or recognition for such, doing the actual work, added responsibility, or all too often advancement.

It has been my experience over the last 50+ years, that most of the time,  we simply are not recognized for our work.  It is the nature of the world we live in.  It can be discouraging when you work on a project, come up with a great idea that you think will be of great benefit to your fellowship, your job, your family, etc.  and after nurturing it, and developing it, it is tossed out, or snatched away by someone else, and you feel like quitting.

One of the most encouraging and motivating passages in God’s Word is found in John chapter 15.  When recognition or encouragement is not there, and your product or service is not used, or tossed out the proverbial window, read this chapter carefully.  “I am he vine, and the father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in me that bears not fruit, he takes away”. (John 15:1).

We are commanded to bear fruit!  The little red hen, if she were God’s hen, well, would be in a bowl of chicken soup!  She quit producing.   God says we are to continue to bear fruit.  Every branch that bears fruit, God prunes it, and it then bears more fruit.  All too often we cry, “not fair, not fair!”.

In verse 16, Christ says, “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you…that you should go and bring forth fruit”.

He does not say we are to bear fruit only when we are recognized, or helped or everything goes our way.  In Hebrews 6:10 He gives us a constant source of encouragement and motivation that arises above all the physical factors that motivates us.  “For God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labor of love.”

God keeps score on us all.  Only He knows what you do and your motive behind it.  Good or bad.  In the Kingdom of God no one will be given the credit for that which you did.  God does not forget our labor of love.

In your life, employment, in your home and at church, don’t let lack of recognition stop you from growing, and being productive, physically and most importantly spiritually!

Christ will indeed reward you for the “bread that you have baked”.  Don’t ever stop making bread!

…as I close this letter, as I do every Friday evening…  as we enter His Sabbath…  reflect on this with me, will you?

And again, may God continue to richly bless you.  Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily!  Please do pray for us as well.


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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)