Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

Warm hellos to you dear brethren, co-workers, and spiritual family on the Coast of the Gulf of Mexico and scattered children of God, from our offices here in Spanish Fort.

As we come up on the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread this year, I’m meditating and reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus the Christ gave to all mankind, and what He went through during the process leading up to his death.

There have been a lot of challenges, trials, hardship and stress within the Body of Christ over the last year…and that too brings much to reflect upon and bring to our God in prayer.

One of the blessings of serving God’s children is that hardly a week goes by where I don’t cross paths either with an old friend, or meet a new one within the Ekklesia of God. We’re a much bigger family than many realize.

In addition, sometimes things happen, that are as scripture tells us “time and chance” or coincidence, (Ecclesiastes 9:11,  I returned and saw under the sun that— The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all).

But, recently something took place I’d like to share with all of you, that I don’t think was merely “coincidence”.

While trying to encourage someone while in a counseling, this statement was made. “I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut!”

Ever feel like that? I’d think it safe to say we all have at one time or another. Our Savior experienced that and oh so much more.

Well, in mid-February, the same day as the comment was made, I received a message from a longtime friend from years gone by who had no idea of my other conversation.

He writes a weekly short Bible Blurb for his fellowship’s FB page. With his permission, here is the message from Mike Wallace- COG7 Montana Coordinator.

“Gut punched! How one feels when the wind is knocked out of you.  This can either be a physical gut punch or a mental gut punch. Either way it stops one in their tracks. It hurts. It is unexpected.

Moses was gut punched. After 40 years in Egypt, then 40 years as a married shepherd he saw a burning bush. God told him to go back to Egypt as He would free Israel from slavery. Moses went and Pharaoh not only said “no” but he told Israel to make bricks without straw and to double their output. Then the Israelite’s blamed Moses. Read about it in Exodus 5:18-19. Gut punched.

David was anointed King and bravely kills the giant Goliath. He is rewarded with the King’s wealth and daughter. Then Saul tried to kill him. Worse, when he was king of Israel his son rebelled, took his throne and tried to kill him. Then his son, Absalom was killed. Read about it from II Samuel 13 through 19. Gut punched.

What is our personal “gut punch” moment in our life? Loss of a loved one? A stab in the back? Loss of job? Have we been betrayed? Gut punched.

God will never allow us to be tested more than He thinks we can bear. Wow! He, God knows our limits. He has faith in us. Never be afraid when “gut punched” because God is there and he will always give us a way out of the trial. I Cor. 10:13. Gut punched.

Jesus was gut punched. He was turned on by his own countrymen. One of His disciples betrayed him (Judas). He was crucified. Gut punched.

I have read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It started off great, humanity causes their own “gut punching” in the middle, but in the end, we win. We win because God wins!

Gut punched? Don’t worry, be happy. We win.”

Christ won! And His promise is we too shall win! It’s the getting there and struggles of daily life as we allow Him to live in us that’s hard.

May you be encouraged this Sabbath by reviewing God’s precious truths, promises, and plan for you and me, focusing on the positive, good and holding on to that vision of Christ’s return and the promise that we win! Permit God’s Spirit to stir in our hearts to see the good. Arms up friends!

Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily. Please do pray for us as well.


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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)