Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

Warm hellos to you dear brethren, co-workers, spiritual family on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and scattered children of God, from our offices here in Spanish Fort, AL.

My wife and I pray and hope this finds you all doing well, and that again your week has been blessed.

Several years ago, back in 2013, as some of you know, I wrote and talked about my continuing struggle with pulmonary issues, challenged even more after obtaining some kind of “super” bug on a pastoral visit to Cartagena, Colombia. Today, years later, I sometimes still cough a bit more than usual during Bible Studies and sermon messages. Recently while waiting in line while shopping, when I started to cough, someone was quick to respond “you should not be out in public!”

With all the information bombarding us on a daily basis, whether accurate or misleading, I am very cognizant of those with breathing difficulties.

Someone mentioned to me recently that “I could just simply demand that God completely heal me!”  Someone also posed a question to me as the whether we can obligate God to respond the way we desire because we have exhibited obedience or service to Him. I personally don’t feel comfortable in describing that we can say or do anything to put God under and automatic obligation to do or not to do something.

Scripture reminds us, that as humans we can never achieve a level of righteousness that earns or deserves God’s blessings. Isaiah tells us, “all our righteousness are like filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6) The apostle Paul quotes from Psalm 14:1-3, “As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10) We are saved by grace and received God’s blessings because of His grace and mercy.

Yes, we can make requests, but always must place it under the proviso of “God’s will be done.” God’s ways and determination is above and supersedes ours. Even Jesus when He prayed during the night when He was arrested ended His request with “Your will be done” (Matthew 26:42)

It is the all-wise and all-powerful God who obligates Himself to fulfill what He has promised and covenanted. Scripture declares that a nation and its people will be blessed for obeying and following God’s laws and commandments. God obligates Himself to send these blessings and favors. “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 28:1-2)

The rest of Leviticus 26 and also Deuteronomy 28, (called the blessing and cursing chapters), attest to the blessing that a nation can receive as God wills when they follow the instructions of the true God. On the other hand, when these laws are broken there is a penalty or negative consequence or curse that comes upon those who disregard or disobey them and rebel against God. God in His mercy can choose to suspend or postpone the curse or punishment and give the individual or nation a chance to repent and change. (Jeremiah 36:3; Ezekiel 33:11)

Moses addresses the children of those who left Egypt and who survived the tests and challenges of the 40 years in the wilderness. “And you shall remember that the LORD your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.” (Deuteronomy 8:2) God can decide to send or allow tests or challenges to befall even His people for reasons determined by Him irrespective of the conduct of those involved.

Supernatural healing is a blessing that only God alone can grant. Moses transmitted the following words of the Lord to the Israelites after the healing of the bitter waters of Marah in the wilderness. “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26)

It is the Lord who will make a decision to keep diseases away or not impose them. He alone will determine the best course of action. Remember He is God, we are not.

My friends, we cannot demand anything. We can only make a humble and at times fervent request. Healing has always been one of God’s blessings for mankind. When we are ill, we are instructed to first , of course, pray to God, and then ask the elders of the Church to pray for us, anointing us with oil in the name of the Lord (James 5:14). We are then told that “the prayer of faith shall save the sick” (verse 15).

However, it is still God’s prerogative to choose to heal or not to heal the person who makes the request. Even the apostle Paul had some kind of physical ailment or “thorn in the flesh” that he was not delivered from (2 Corinthians 12:7-9; Galatians 4:13-14) We read of the young evangelist Timothy who had some kind of ongoing health problems as well (1 Timothy 5:23).

It is up to God to choose when to inspire such manifestations for reasons He must determine. God uses human instruments to do His work, and that work sometimes involves miraculous healings and deliverance from diseases and other maladies. But we of ourselves cannot work these things up or demand that these events will take place when we choose. We must humbly yield to God’s timing and how He will work.

Some boldly claim they can heal others, or God is working through them specifically because they understand Him or His Word better.

It is the Lord who will decide to raise a person up and provide healing. Again, we cannot demand this of God. We ask it and in faith wait for God’s choice of timing and circumstances. Healing is one of the benefits God offers to those who put their trust in Him. The ultimate healing and raising up will occur at the resurrection of the dead in Christ. God is in charge and we must humbly accept His will and timing regarding His promises.

Just some thoughts to ponder, and share, as we seek the balance of God’s truth in our lives.

So my friends, remember to focus on the promises of God, dig into His Word and keep your eyes focused on Christ the living head of His church. Don’t get sucked into the shift of this world, its fears, and focuses. There’s a strong spirit behind all of this, and it is not of God.
The spiritual healing of mankind is so needed…and we pray “Thy will be done!”

Let’s you and I stay strong, vigilant and focused on the God who has called us, allowing Him to live in us, looking forward to that coming Kingdom of God! And, it IS coming! That is a promise.

Arms up friends! Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily. Please do pray for us as well.


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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)