Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

We have now observed the Passover, and kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread for this calendrical year.  We now are counting the days towards the second Holy Day in God’s Plan, the Feast of Pentecost.

Earlier this spring, (March 10 to be exact), you and I were told to , “move our clock forward an hour” or the famous saying I learned as a child in regards to Daylight Savings Time was “spring forward, and fall backward”…hum, I thought, that reminds me of…

Robert Kennedy, when first arriving in Washington, D.C. as a senator, was often quoted as “hitting the ground running, leaning forward”.  He often was seen with a “spring” in his step.

Whatever faults this family has been accused of, or reputation of such; they did get things done.

So are many in this world, industry, business and God’s church.  Many have an attitude of “lean forward”…energetic, moving forward towards a goal.  We all do have a goal you know, as Christians seeking to follow the lead of God’s spirit, and becoming part of His family.

Are you a lean-forward person?

Are you making progress towards our common spiritual goal-the Kingdom of God?  Becoming likeminded, as Philippians 2:5 admonishes us, requires examination, change and then moving forward.

It’s not good enough for you and me to be simply satisfied with “status quo”, especially when it comes to overcoming.  We must continue to grow, develop, and be progressing spiritually.  Yes, friends, it is a long range goal…but one we must continue to lean forwards towards what God would have us be. (II Peter 3:18)

It is so easy to get caught up in day to day activities, even what appears to be “religious” and often long term goals, objectives, and avenues of real growth are put off.  Sometimes our priorities become topsy-turvy, and we get lost in the fulcrum.

Instead of leaning forward spiritually, we simply say, “I’m fine just as I am and where I am”.

There is a common saying in the religious world, “Just as I am sweet Jesus”.  That is not how God views things. We must change, and move forward.

We are reminded that with God’s help, all things are possible. (Mark 10:27)

We must continue moving forward toward God’s Kingdom.  We are not establishing ourselves for this earth.  We are living stones, moving, rolling, and forward leaning, ever towards the future.

You have heard the saying, “rolling stones gather no moss”.  Don’t stop overcoming, growing, rolling, seeking God to show you the real you, and examine just how well you are doing.

And make sure you are praying “Thy will be done” in our lives, and be led by God’s Spirit… and keep moving.

Let’s examine ourselves, each one of us, and see if indeed we are leaning forward… or standing still.

Pentecost was a benchmark of the receiving of God’s Holy Spirit.  Upon repentance, baptism and the receiving of that spirit we are instructed to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness… a tall order yes, but obtainable by focusing on Him and moving forward.

And as I close this letter, as I do every Friday evening… as we enter His Sabbath… reflect on this with me, will you?

Again, may God continue to richly bless you.  Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily!  Please do pray for us as well.


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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)