Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

Warm hellos friends, brethren, co-workers, spiritual family, and scattered children of God, from here in Mankato, Minnesota.  My wife and I pray and hope this finds you all doing well, and that again your week has been blessed.

We’ve enjoyed our time thus far with brethren and family. Tuesday and Wednesday we were able to catch up with a visit over to SD.

As I drove for a few hours on a fairly desolate highway yesterday, I reflected on that we’ve now been living on the Gulf Coast for over four and one half years. Time seems to move ever so quickly, and when busy, it becomes even more so.

Something also struck me not too long ago, especially with the scurrying of folks as they scrambled through the stores to buy things at that time of year.

In today’s crowded civilization, and this busy-busy, hurry-hurry active society, man is finding it

Increasingly difficult to indulge in one of the most priceless luxuries which life can give: “occasional total solitude”.

Being alone does not mean being lonely. It means cutting off the external, the superficial, and superfluous. It means seeking instead inner strength which one finds in solitude and best in solitude with his Creator. It enriches the spirit and ennobles the man, and one who denies himself its refuge is simply not living life to its fullest.

Many men and women have found their greatest inspiration in solitude. It can bring inner peace and rewards to us all. You don’t have to be a rebel, or eccentric, or weird, in order to spend some time alone.

A walk alone as the sun sets, sitting on a garden bench or lounge chair, (which I cherish here in my own back yard in Alabama), a short slow drive on one of the back roads here where we live…no life must be too busy for moments like these.

I was talking with my granddaughter this morning about David.  When herding sheep, he often spent time, musing, pondering, meditating, as he found solitude a time to refresh and re connect with His Creator.

The day to day problems which seem so difficult to master in the turmoil of the office, workplace, or home often resolve themselves when one is alone.

All things pull back into perspective, often a better one. One can stop and analyze one’s worries…and dismiss them. The armor which all of us assume in our social contacts falls away. We are at peace with our God and ourselves once again.

Don’t be afraid of being alone now and then. If you are…be careful, something is wrong.

Make it a point to stop, and take time to make your acquaintance, and reconnect with your Creator.

You’ll also get a surprise, because you will meet a very nice and interesting person, a child of God that has potential beyond your wildest imaginations.

As the world scurries around us…stop, ponder, meditate, muse, and take some time alone, you will be glad you did. Might I suggest you shut off all forms of Social Media…you’ll find out you might be addicted to not being alone…

We face and are in a time in history where many are playing right into the hands of a spiritual influence that robs us of our time alone, and with our Creator, and it’s creating a fear and worry like we’ve never seen before!

God’s upcoming Sabbath affords us time to do this, take the day to be alone with God, and you…what a blessing that truly is.

As I reflect on this as we once again enter His Sabbath…I pray you too will do the same…
Arms up friends! Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily. Please do pray for us as well.

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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)