Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

We’ve now lived in lower Alabama, “L.A.” as many call it, for over two years. Time flies as they say!

With each transfer or move, as we begin to settle in, we better understand why folks are the way they are in various parts of the U.S. and learn to make each area our home and our new family as well.

I’m reminded too with each move how much this planet Earth is a beautiful place to live on. Thanks to our Creator, life has flourished on this planet with its bountiful sun and vast oceans of water. No matter where we live, there are stunning plants, flowers and animals that catch my attention.

There is a transformation that has to take place for me individually, in a physical sense with each move. It’s a very real one.  And I notice that there is also a transformation with the flora and fauna in each area geographically too.

Few creatures can come close to the beauty of many of the butterflies that seem to be constantly fluttering in our back yard. I’ve never seen so many in their natural setting. Something about the temperate climate and perhaps proximity to the ocean seems to be ideal.

The colors of the various butterflies, stunning as they, are remind me of that same transformation.

But, here is what is interesting. They don’t start out that way.  Before butterflies reach maturity, they must undergo a series of remarkable transformations.

Many start out as a half-millimeter egg, and the butterfly eventually to be grows inside the egg for several days or weeks before reaching the larval stage. It then begins its time as so many are, a brightly colored caterpillar.  Just like the butterfly, I too see many caterpillars crawling here and there throughout the year. In this caterpillar stage it molts, adding new skin and shedding the old as it grows. It then begins the transformation process for its next stage in life as a chrysalis, or pupa.

Oft times I’ve noticed then the caterpillar hangs upside down, usually from twigs or branches in my yard, and encases itself in an intricately designed cocoon. I don’t actually have to look too hard to find one of the various cocoons.

It then takes about 10-14 days, and yet undergoes another incredible transformation.  At the end of this stage the protective shell becomes almost transparent, and a beautiful butterfly emerges!

Its metamorphosis complete, the butterfly that I so often see has begun a new life.  The creature I am watching is very different from what I saw in its previous forms prior.

Moving from flower to flower, sometimes appearing to float with the breeze is calming and refreshing. It’s one of my pastimes from my back patio.

But I am reminded, that along the way, as it was maturing, it continued to change in multiple ways.  Actually it transformed into something very different. The end result was far different than what it began as.

I’ve noticed Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, Viceroys, Red Spotted Admirals, Silvery Checker Spots, and the ever common Monarch’s as well. It’s a fascinating hobby indeed.

We’ve been discussing in one of our daily Interactive Fellowship Studies the process of “Conversion”.

Scripture clearly shows us that we too need to undergo a conversion, or “transformation” or change. With the help of God, we must indeed be transformed from the old person we were, to a different person entirely.  A human being renewed in Godly knowledge, and created according to God in true righteousness and holiness. (Colossians 3:9-10, Ephesians 4:22-24)

All around us, God has created beauty for us to enjoy, but within that creation carefully designed lessons to learn about ourselves. I hope you will take time to search out and see what’s here on this planet…  for we’ve been blessed to better understand indeed the transformation that must take place.

…as I close this letter, as I do every Friday evening…as we enter His Sabbath…reflect on this with me, will you?

And again, may God continue to richly bless you. Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily. Please do pray for us as well.


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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)