Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Pastor’s Letters

By the time most of you read this letter, we will have now kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread these last 7 days, and will have finished, or soon be nearing the end of the final Holy Day of this UB season.

How have these Days of Unleavened Bread affected you (other than a minor change in diet)?

I would hope that between the preparation for, and the observance of these days, we have gained a little sharper awareness of ourselves, and our sins and upon repentance, how Christ must live IN us.  And I hope and pray our resolve is firm and strong!This spring Feast season contained a different feel for my wife and I this year.

Normally, at least for the past 7 years, my wife and I would have again boarded a plane and headed to South America for a pastoral visit.

Even though we did not this year, my memory reminded me that each time we left the U.S. the following weighed heavily on my mind.

An ambassador to the Court of St. James in London is the most prestigious diplomatic post in the U.S. Consular Corps.  The diplomat who occupies this position must be a very tactful person.  He must represent those he serves well.

Over the past 7 days of Unleavened Bread, I again noticed, that in the world we live today, national interests are always at stake; nations seldom allow tactless representatives to represent them for long.  When diplomatic “slip ups” have occurred, ambassadors have been recalled, and replaced.

Some have been removed, and their name is now a disgrace within political and public circles because of their behavior.  A poor diplomat makes a poor impression for his or her country.

How about you?  How about me?  Have you ever pondered your responsibility as an ambassador?

You are an ambassador you know.  In II Corinthians 5:20 Paul clearly explains, that you and I are Ambassadors for Christ.  We are ambassadors with a message, the message of the soon coming Kingdom of God!

On the visits my wife and I have made, it often occurred to me that not only did I carry a heavy responsibility to properly represent the Church of God, but even more importantly the King of the Kingdom you and I are citizens of, Jesus Christ.

As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, how well do you and I represent the government of God?

Are we always careful to represent that government, yes, our government, and the way of life it stands for in the most tactful and gracious manner possible?

A successful diplomat understands people, and does his very best to get along with them.  Tact is a required lubricant in working and serving people.

Its origin in Latin, tactus means “touch”.  It is a skill we must learn in our “touching of other people” we come in contact with.  It is especially valuable in stressful or difficult situations.

Tact is every day, real life living diplomacy.  Some seem to be born with it, others seem to struggle and never obtain it fully.

Having now concluded the last day of Unleavened Bread, and as we enter this weekly Sabbath…take a few moments, to stop, ponder, muse, meditate, pray and ask God, “ am I truly being and doing what God would have me be and do by fulfilling my service as an ambassador of Jesus Christ?  Is my speech and representation tactful, as to those whose lives I touch they see the King and government I serve?  Do they see that King of Kings IN me?

And as I close this letter, as I do every Friday evening…as we enter His Sabbath…reflect on this with me, will you?

Again, may God continue to richly bless you.  Our prayers and thoughts are with you daily!  Please do pray for us as well.


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-Scott Hoefker

(Pastor, Church of God Ministries)