Church of God Ministries

“1 Peter 2:5 – In His Hands, We Are Built”

Prayer Requests & Updates

“Confess your faults to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The supplication of a righteous man prevails much, being effective.” James 5:16

Please join us in bringing these needs before our Father…

(Weekly Prayer Requests and Updates are now sent out to all on our CGM e-mail recipient list. If you wish to be added, please use the “Contact Us ” form on this site.)

Prayer Requests and Updates from 06/13 – 06/26/24

06/26/24 Prayer Request – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) “Richard Ames, [LCG Charlotte, NC] began experiencing serious health issues toward the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread. About a week later he went to the hospital and was placed in Intensive Care.  He was then moved to a regular hospital room a few days later, and then to a rehab center. While there were up days, with his mind still sharp, his overall physical health continued to go downhill. Last Sunday he was taken again to the hospital from the rehab center where he underwent a risky emergency surgery as was reported. While we know God can heal us at any age, we also know that we will not live forever in this flesh. Mr. Ames turned 88 this month, at it is evident that he is in an end-of-life condition and has been placed in palliative care. His organs are shutting down and he is generally not responsive. Your prayers for his wife Katherine and family members are appreciated.” – Gerald Weston. (As a side note, I worked for Richard Ames as a faculty assistant for my senior year while attending college in Pasadena, CA in 1984. He and his wife are in my wife and my prayers during this time in his life.)

06/25/24 Prayer Request Update – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) I spoke via WhatsApp video connection today with Noé Mansanto (CGM Guatemala City, Guatemala). Today’s court proceedings went overall very well. He requests continued prayers regarding a very serious situation he is still facing and needs God’s intervention and will to be done. The legal decision has been extended again (after this meeting today on June 25) to August 16 at 10:00 a.m. Please join my wife and me in prayer lifting Noé before our Father in heaven that His will be done in this situation with divine intervention as needed.

06/23/24 Prayer Request Update – (from COG Cincinnati) Elaine Jacobs “Dear Prayer Warriors, Finally some good news!!!  These are my doctor’s findings from my scope on Friday:”There was still some food in your stomach but not as much as before.  I was able to dilate the stricture because it was so narrow, it was not safe to try to stretch it to completely normal-sized but most people have improvement in their eating with the size that we were able to dilate. (From one finger to the thumb.)  I want you to stay on liquids until the morning, you can have soup, yogurt, ice cream or those types of foods.  This is to allow the rest of the food that is in your stomach to empty. Starting tomorrow you can go on a low roughage, low residue diet. We will give you a handout.” We were told that it looked like I might have something similar to another ulcer where the food has been lying for so long, but he thinks it isn’t an ulcer but an irritation on the stomach wall, so I was given a prescription I have to take 3 times a day, an hour before meals.  This should heal that irritation and the area that was dilated around the hole. We also learned that the original perforated ulcer was not in my stomach but in my duodenum (where the stomach opens into the small intestine.) We will see how this goes, hoping it is good enough, and will check into it down the road.  Thank you all so very much for your prayers.  I’m still dragging from the anesthesia but was very glad to have it!  And I have a sore throat but they say that should all clear up soon. Love you all, Elaine”

06/22/24 Prayer Request Update – (from COG Cincinnati) Thank you for your prayers for Colt Miller, 16-year-old grandson of Candace Burke. Colt went into uncontrolled seizures which necessitated putting him into a medically induced coma. The prognosis at the time was very negative but God heard our prayers and he began a miraculous recovery. He tested positive for HSV1 and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever causing a severe brain inflammation which is showing improvement. At this time he has substantial cognitive deficit with long and short-term memory loss. That Colt survived the ordeal is evidence of God’s intervention. Your prayers for a complete recovery are appreciated.

06/13/24 Prayer Request Update – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) As some of you are aware, to avoid being hit by a vehicle that ran a stop sign earlier this week, I chose to swerve and slammed into a curb/sidewalk and had a bicycle accident resulting in blunt force trauma injuries. After multiple X-Rays it appears nothing is “broken” but have injuries to my shoulder, front and back ribs, and right knee which will require time and pain medication to manage. No head injuries resulted as I was wearing a MIPS protective bicycle helmet. I’d appreciate your continued prayers that I will heal normally and quickly as I need to exercise to maintain my health with diabetes.

06/13/24 Prayer Request – (from COG Cincinnati) Via Linda Pratt. Al Volle, a longtime member of the churches of God, was diagnosed with a massive, inoperable brain tumor, yesterday. He doesn’t recognize anyone.  Prayers for Al and his family would be appreciated.


Ongoing Previous Requests

05/31/24 Prayer Request Update – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) I spoke with Patty Graham this afternoon and she asks that we continue to pray for her husband Stan Graham. “Our condition here remains difficult. Stan has cirrhosis of the liver and is very sick, continuing to decline daily. He basically sleeps, watches a little TV and goes to treatment for 5-6 hours.  I truly believe trials are for the testing of our faith and when endured gives the peace and strength needed to endure even harder times.  Without them, we would not need to rely on God”. The Grahams live in Pensacola, FL.

05/31/24 Prayer Request Update – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) Wanted to give a brief update on my left eye that I had surgery on in September of 2023. For the last 8 months I’ve had no problems. However, last Sabbath I experienced some very disturbing symptoms that lasted through Memorial Day. After an extensive exam on Wednesday of this week it was determined that there is no detached retina. However, a “glob” of some type of liquid has separated and is floating through my vision, which gives me headaches trying to concentrate around the opaque film. I was told “it may clear up in a week or take as long as a year…” No further surgery is required at the present time. I’d appreciate prayers for it to clear up as I do need my vision to continue with this calling God has called Gayle and me to. Our Father’s will be done.

05/24/24 Prayer Request – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) Dennis Paulus requests prayers for his oldest son Michael Allen Paulus, age 61, who is in the Cleveland University Hospital for 40 days for bone cancer treatment.

05/11/22 Prayer Request – (from Scott Hoefker, pastor, CGM) From Larry Field, (Nebraska). “I would like to ask for continued prayers – it’s my back/pelvic area. I was badly injured in 2016 when a machine fell on top of me, breaking my pelvis in 4 places, and severing a bunch of nerves. It also cracked my tailbone and came extremely close to severing my spinal cord. I would/should have been paralyzed, if not for God’s intervention. Lately the pain in my pelvic area has ramped up to extreme levels, and it is very difficult to walk. The strongest non-prescription drug, Tylenol, is no longer effective. My body just is resistant to pain medication, for some reason. I’m not getting much done at all, and I’m falling seriously behind on everything here…please pray that there be some relief, at least for this pain, if it be God’s will”.

(These prayer requests and updates listed are partial, as there are a large number received each week, so we simply cannot list them all. These come from several fellowships of the body of Christ throughout the U.S. and world.) Any prayer requests or announcements to be shared on the CGM website and/or this weekly update should be sent directly to Scott Hoefker by Wednesday of each week, (via e mail if possible). You may also use the “contact us” page on the CGM website to do so.)