All Will Have an Opportunity to Know God – Scott Hoefker – September 28, 2021
What is God’s Judgment on those Who’ve Not Yet Heard of Jesus Christ?
What is God’s Judgment on those Who’ve Not Yet Heard of Jesus Christ?
The fulfillment of the Last Great Day is bringing all people to a chance for salvation.
In today’s world, we see many examples of injustice in our societies and governments. That will be drastically changed in the future kingdom of God, where justice will be applied equally to all areas of life.
God has a plan of Eternal Salvation for all mankind.
I want to give you some principles of life and spiritual lessons we can learn from the day to day life on a small family cattle farm.
God has called us to run and to finish the race for eternal life.
There are Some Very Real Lessons from the Feast that We Need to Hang on To!
The Sabbath is One of those Subjects that can be Difficult to Achieve a Balance on, So, Let’s Look at God’s
Intended Purpose for His Sabbath.
God tells us that He is going to restore people to their land when His kingdom is ruling this
earth. There is a very important reason for that which is revealed in this message.
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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TCC Consulting
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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