Duality of the Events Surrounding the Exodus and Moses – Scott Hoefker – 2023-04-08
One of the many interesting “types” surrounding the Exodus, is Moses and the application to Jesus Christ…we’ll examining that in this sermon.
One of the many interesting “types” surrounding the Exodus, is Moses and the application to Jesus Christ…we’ll examining that in this sermon.
They story of Noah and the flood is showing us Grace, Mercy, faith, sin, judgement, salvation, Atonement, redemption, righteousness, separation, clean and unclean.
Many well meaning “Christians” believe Christ did it all for us at Calvary. Is that true? We’ll examine this belief as well as ask why do the days of Unleavened Bread come after Passover?
The commandments show us how we can avoid being under the bondage of sin.
CGM pastor Scott Hoefker conducts the service. He focuses on how Jesus placed a positive outcome with the NT Passover.
Today we’re going to look at one of the most misunderstood scriptures in the Bible. It’s often interpreted as saying, “You can’t judge me,” meaning “Don’t judge my lifestyle or life choices.” But is that really what the scripture is saying? Today’s message is about judgment and discernment; there is a difference and it’s widely misunderstood.
The Bible gives us many examples of young people who were used by God to proclaim Him before kings and mighty empires. People like Daniel, who stood before King Nebuchadnezzar and proclaimed the gospel message to him.
The Inability to forgive and forget is something we humans struggle with. Let’s gain some insight into how God forgives.
The Inability to forgive and forget is something we humans struggle with. Let’s gain some insight into how God forgives.
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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