Am I a “Friend of God”? – Scott Hoefker – March 4, 2023
It is more than simply saying “I have a friend in Jesus”…to be God’s friend. We’ll look closely in this message to see what Christ meant when He said, “You are my friends.”
It is more than simply saying “I have a friend in Jesus”…to be God’s friend. We’ll look closely in this message to see what Christ meant when He said, “You are my friends.”
God, throughout the scriptures, speaks to us in our love language: the love language of forgiveness. He invites us into a personal relationship with Him. As part of that forgiveness and relationship, Christ invites each one of us to be yoked with Him and describes the incredible benefits of doing so.
Today we’re going to take an overview look at the 1st century Church by looking at the letters of Paul. As he wrote to the Body of Christ scattered in different cities and congregations, we’ll briefly outline most of Paul’s book because of time sake, but we will look deeper into Thessalonians and Corinthians. We will see the encouragement, the exhortation of their faith, and at times his correction. The message is intended to help us understand the correlation between what the 1st century Body of Christ was going through and what we still are going through, and what we need to do on a personal level to keep on the path God called us.
We’ll look closely in this message what God meant when He said, “I will make him a help meet for him.”
Marriage is an important concept throughout the Bible. It should be based on Godly love. Our betrothed Jesus Christ has already shown us his commitment to our marriage by giving his life for all mankind. Today we’re going to look at the church at Ephesus. How did a church so full of good works lose their first love?
We’ll examine in this message a Perspective that God Has that many of us have forgotten about.
The Answer to Two Vital Questions in Remaining a Saint.
Today’s message will revolve around being a Godly neighbor. We’ll define who is a neighbor. We’ll look at the
Old Testament laws regarding being a neighbor along with an example of a poor neighbor and a good neighbor. Lastly, we’ll look at how Jesus Christ amplified what kind of neighbor we should be as he defines “who is our neighbor.”
Many people genuinely believe they are “Christians”, are we?
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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