A “Lot” of Lessons from the Life of Lot – Part 1 of 2 – Scott Hoefker – November 5, 2022
Might You and I consider many of the Lessons from the Life of Lot that Apply to Us Today?
Might You and I consider many of the Lessons from the Life of Lot that Apply to Us Today?
Today we’re going to look at one of the first confrontations Jesus Christ had with the Scribes and Pharisees. We’re going to see the difference between how the religious leaders of Christ’s day worshiped God and contrast that with how Christ said we aught to worship God.
God’s Word describes our prayers in the form of a “sweet incense” to His nostrils. David stated, “Let my prayer be to you as incense”. What exactly does that mean? We’ll carefully examine in detail and see how important it is which aroma our prayer gives off to our Creator.
We’ll answer “Why We Fast?” during this message.
As we draw near to the Feast of Tabernacles, the obstacles that try to keep us from going to His Feast must not stop us!
There are several parables Christ taught that had to do with His second coming. Today let’s look at a few of those parables and glean some valuable advice from Jesus Christ Himself.
This Holy Day is tremendously inspiring to those who have lost loved ones! We’ll examine ‘why?’ in this message.
There is an ever popular belief among people in this world that when we die our “soul” comes back to life, reincarnated in various forms. Is this true? Is it found in the Bible? We’ll examine this teaching from God’s Word and not what men believe or teach.
One of the most influential areas for congregational growth revolves around our personal example. We’ll examine how important our personal example of living God’s way of life is, not only in congregations, but in all aspects of our walk as a Christian.
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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