Let’s Talk About the Sabbath, a Feast of the Lord – Scott Hoefker – October 5, 2024
Here’s a frank look at why the Sabbath was created for man. (Given during the weekly Sabbath announcements)
Here’s a frank look at why the Sabbath was created for man. (Given during the weekly Sabbath announcements)
When this future event takes place, it will be apparent why God must Intervene to save mankind.
What do you and I owe our children?
From ancient times mirrors have been used by mankind to behold their reflections. We use an analogy presented in the book of James about beholding ourselves in a mirror to help us with the following:
–understand how to reflect on the spiritual part of ourselves
–how our actions reflect on our fellow man
–how God reflects our behavior back to us.
How easily are you and I influenced or persuaded by what we see, by what we hear, and by what we read? Scriptural examples show how public opinion is swayed by perception, and how “reality” often is simply not so.
Over the years many who observe the Feast of Tabernacles have lost focus on why it is called “The Feast of the Lord.” They simply now call it “the Feast.” We’ll examine closely today from scripture why it IS important what we call it. We’ll also consider how we are to Rejoice before Him, and Learn to fear Him.
What was the meaning behind the words Christ spoke to His disciples in John 16:8-11? Let’s examine these verses and try to understand what Christ is saying here.
What’s Our Individual Responsibility in Spreading this Gospel of the Kingdom of God?
We are instructed to grow in grace in knowledge in scripture. However, there are also warnings in scripture about how our knowledge can puff us up, offend other brethren and even cause us to sin against God and Christ!
Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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TCC Consulting
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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