Can I Say that Christ Lives In Me? – Scott Hoefker – April 22, 2022
Putting Sin Out of Our Lives is Important. Even more Important is Having Christ Live in Us!
Putting Sin Out of Our Lives is Important. Even more Important is Having Christ Live in Us!
How we can make our lives a fit dwelling place for the Spirit of God by ridding it of sin and daily becoming more Christ like.
True Freedom, Liberty and Peace comes through Repentance, Individual Work of removing Sin, Obedience to God, allowing Christ to Live In Us, and Takes Time. And, We Must Never Give Up!
Today we’re going to read through the account of the trials, mocking and beathing that Jesus Christ endured for us. We’ll look at scourging – why did the Romans use it – and especially why scourge someone if you’re going to crucify them. We’ll finish up by looking into 4 aspects of what Christ’s scourging did for us.
Taking a Closer Look at What Leaven Was, What are We to Avoid Today?
As we continue to approach the end of this age and the time of the return of Jesus Christ, what should we be focusing on?
War is a terrible thing and as the song says, “what is it good for, absolutely nothing”, except when we win the spiritual war we as Christians are in.
There’s another Being that is keenly aware of the Passover Service. His view is very different than what God intended.
Let’s look at the story of Naamam the Syrian and examine it to find the examples of being informed, misinterpreted, offended, and greed, and what we can learn from that.
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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