Laying on of Hands: The Power of Touch – Eric Myers – December 25, 2021
The Body of Christ has been created by God to interact with its members. The laying on of hands is an important positive use of touching within the spiritual body.
The Body of Christ has been created by God to interact with its members. The laying on of hands is an important positive use of touching within the spiritual body.
Welcome to our Live Worship Service “CGM’s Live Worship Services are typically available via webcast each Sabbath and annual Holy Days @ 10:15 a.m.(CT). Our next Worship Service will be Saturday, December 18th at 2:00 p.m.(CT) Presentation Bible Study & 3:00 p.m.(CT) Worship Services, from COG Big Sandy with messages
Our Conscience is a Precious Gift from God. It Needs Guarding, and Must be Kept Strong and Pure Aligning with God and His Word.
What is the real normal, and how do we get there?
We are in the midst of a time (or season) where we are hearing all around us (or have heard a lot about) Christ, why He was born on earth as a little child and why we should be focused on that. Let’s see from God’s Word if we should be doing that?
Have We at Times Mistakenly Defended “Ideas” or even “Traditions” that are not “The Faith” at all?
In this time of Thanksgiving, we need to remember to thank God for our calling.
We’ll Examine Several Reasons Why We Give Thanks, and to Whom it Should Be Directed
Paul Eloquently Discusses our Calling to be a Living Sacrifice in Romans 12.
Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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