I Have Called You Friends – Scott Hoefker – July 27, 2024
When we close our prayers to our Father in Heaven is it okay to call Christ “Our Friend”? We’ll examine scripture closely to see that we indeed can!
When we close our prayers to our Father in Heaven is it okay to call Christ “Our Friend”? We’ll examine scripture closely to see that we indeed can!
How do we handle adversity in our lives? Do we immediately think we are being punished by God? Let’s consider the example of Joseph and how he dealt with adversity.
The answer requires us to look at the bigger picture over the entire span of history.
What is the responsibility of those who are called in the church with respect to their teachers and the leadership? Are their teachers, ministers so much higher than them with respect to righteousness that they could never obtain that level? Should they remain in a position of submission to authority? We explore this question and discuss authority in the church and that in the body of Christ no one is “above” another in the way that Gentiles exercised authority over their subjects.
In this message, we will explore in three points the subject of bearing fruit that our Heavenly Father wants us to bear that is consistent with our change of heart, consistent with our change of direction in our lives, and consistent with our change of thinking.
Let’s examine from God’s Word what is recorded about women’s role in the Church
The Wind, Lightning, Thunder, Smoke, Fire, and Languages … why these things were so important … and why the Day of Pentecost and the original giving of the Law on Mount Sinai are inseparably linked.
Included in the section of Ephesians on the Armor of God is the phrase, “sword of the spirit” – the word of God. This weapon encompasses all of the other armor described, since they would not exist without the word of God.
Let’s consider an important question – What does God’s Spirit do exactly, to accomplish His purpose in us?
Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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