Making Your Calling and Election Sure – Vince Thompson – October 7, 2020
Are you spiritually ready for Christ’s return? In order to be sure of your election, you must first define your calling.
Are you spiritually ready for Christ’s return? In order to be sure of your election, you must first define your calling.
Many Messages Focus on How The Millennium will have “Total Peace and Harmony”, is this what God’s Word Portrays? We’ll Examine the Scriptures and See
what the Millennium will Actually be Like.
Embedded in the meaning of the word “tabernacles” in the Fest of Tabernacles is “temporary dwellings”. The Feast of Tabernacles reminds us of our temporary nature, but at the same time points us to a future when we will be eternal members of God’s family.
All the Branches Woven Together in the Building of Booths, or Temporary Dwellings, has Great Symbolism. That of God being with His People in Spirit at His Feast.
We’ll Examine in this Message Why We Fast, Why Humanity Needs Atonement, and the Reason for Two Goats in Leviticus 16.
We’ll Examine in this Message Why and How We “Rejoice Before the Lord” and Why it IS the Feast of the Lord!
God calls us His friends and He has promised us a great future.
Most of Us Become Very Interested to News Stories at One Time or Another. We Do Have a “Reporter’s Perspective” about What is to Come in the Future for Mankind.
A Healthy Heart is Critical to Our Well Being, Spiritually Even More So
Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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TCC Consulting
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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