The Fear of the Lord is to Hate Evil – Proverbs 8:13 – January 4, 2020
Proverbs 8:13 is an interesting scripture that gives us clear instruction as to what the “Fear of the Lord” is…it is to hate evil!
Proverbs 8:13 is an interesting scripture that gives us clear instruction as to what the “Fear of the Lord” is…it is to hate evil!
Joseph through trial and affliction continue to hold onto his faith and integrity. He’s an example for all of us to follow as we face the adversities of life.
Church of God Ministries Live Worship Services from Spanish Fort, AL. This is a recording of the entire service.
Message by pastor Scott Hoefker titled “Mary the Mother of Jesus”.
(While many may place much focus on the mother of Jesus Christ,
we still can glean from her example how we are to live a life of virtue no
matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.)
Many place too much focus on the mother of Jesus Christ, but, we still can glean from her example how we are to live our life no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.
This is a recording of the entire Sabbath Worship Service of Church of God Ministries held in Spanish Fort, AL on December 7, 2019. The message was delivered by Scott Hoefker and entitled “What Does Jesus Christ Expect from Us?
Many focus on Jesus Christ this time of year. If we claim to “follow Christ”, what does He expect from us to truly follow Him?
One of the most often repeated admonitions from God is to remember God’s Blessings and Thank Him for them…are we then spiritually F I T?
This is a recording of the entire Sabbath Worship Service of Church of God Ministries held in Spanish Fort, AL on November 30, 2019. The was delivered by Scott Hoefker and entitled “Are We Grateful for What God Does For, In, and Through Us?”
How Does Christ Look at Christmas? What or Who Would Christ Want Us to Really Focus On?
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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