Remember Them That Are In Bonds
“Chaining ourselves” to the needs and concerns of another and taking them before our Father in prayer is a vital part of our calling!
“Chaining ourselves” to the needs and concerns of another and taking them before our Father in prayer is a vital part of our calling!
Let’s Examine this Letter in 1st Peter Written to us All, the Body of Christ
We Must Remember that We Were Made with Love by God, and share that Love with all we can as His Children.
In this message we’ll examine the instructions/parallels in making the Journey to the Feast and Our Spiritual Journey to the Kingdom of God.
God’s Word describes our prayers in the form of a sweet incense to His nostrils. David stated, “Let my prayer be to you as incense”. What exactly does that mean? We’ll carefully examine in detail and see how important it is which odor our prayer gives off to our Creator.
“Is It Good, or Is It Evil? The difference between the truth and the lie.”
Many of us have observed the Lord’s Passover for many years. Has the Passover and preparation for it become “routine” for us?
The book of Ruth gives us some deep insight into the commonality of Mother’s Day and Pentecost.
What can you and I learn about and from the institution of the Foot Washing by the greatest servant that ever lived? There is an incredible lesson we must understand to be truly happy!
T. Scott Hoefker, Senior Pastor
Church of God Ministries
(Ministerios de la Iglesia de Dios)
251-930-1797 Offices
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TCC Consulting
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"1 Peter 2:5 - In His Hands, We Are Built"
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